Ars Magica Wiki










Year Season Events
Timeline of events
1033 Spring
  • The Magi travel to the Stonehenge Tribunal.
  • The Stonehenge Tribunal at Blackthorn; the new Covenant of Crom Gleann receives gifts from the established Covenants of Blackthorn, Schola Pythagoranis, Lux Draconis, Ungulus, Tagelyn and Cad Gadu.
  • Chalybus Gnarus magically conjures a lodge which will serve, for the time being, as a lab and dwelling place.
  • Bellerophon investigates the forested valley in which the Covenant is situated and finds that the trees are used by the fae to travel about the vale. He also finds two cairns topped by quartz crystals that are in a triangular alignment with the spring at the head of the vale.
  • Lapideus investigates the cairns and finds that the cairn stones are 650-750 years old. The capstones are all quartz and appear to come from the Isle of Man. There is a path to the rim of the valley near the eastern cairn. Above the spring at the head of the vale, there are many loose stones. The eastern cairn appears to contain Rego vis.
  • Representatives of the wandering Covenant of Semitae visit Crom Gleann and provide gifts; a set of Arcane Connections to various places of interest. The Covenant is warned that some of these places are dangerous.
  • Chalybus Gnarus begins setting up a laboratory in his lodge.
  • Bellerophon reads the tractatus Personal Aegis in an attempt to improve his Parma Magica.
  • Lapideus entertains the visiting Lord of Bangerford, who is seeking help with a problem he is having; a wolf seems to be attacking the children of his peasants. He offers the Covenant a seed herd of swine in exchange for solving the problem.
  • Lapideus, Bellepheron and a few grogs travel with the Lord of Bangerford and capture the wolf, which turns out to have a faerie nature and was stealing children to bring to the fey. The wolf also appeared to be able to jump from shadow to shadow.
  • Upon brining the wolf back to Crom Gleann, the Merinita Veridian, strikes a bargain whereby the wolf will leave the area area to trouble us no more in exchange for setting him free.
  • Lapideus studies Terram vis near the eastern cairn for the remainder of the season.
  • Medicus teaches Chirugy to two of the grogs.
  • Bellerophon reads the tractatus Repelling Attacks of Magic in an attempt to improve his Parma Magica.
  • Lapideus has the grogs clear a space in the center of the triangle formed by the two cairns and the spring.
  • Lapideus begins to set up a generic lab in the common storage house. Several Magi establish dwellings throughout the vale.
  • Medicus set up his lab.
1034 Spring
  • Bellerophon reads the tractatus Defense Against Perdo in an attempt to improve his Parma Magica.
  • Reynard of House Bjornaer arrives at Crom Gleann.
  • Lapideus finishes setting up his lab.
  • Lapideus discovers some flowers near the pool in the northern part of the vale and asks Bellepheron to help him investigate.
  • The flowers are found to contain Creo vis; the pool itself contains a liquid Vim vis which smells of brimstone. Lapideus also noted it was the 7th week of spring.
  • Chalybus reads from the text Blood and Phlegm to improve his knowledge of Corpus.
  • Medicus Search for vis in Deheubarth.
  • A vis source is discovered by Reynard, but it is already claimed by Blackthorn.
  • Bellerophon reads the summa Command of All Things, increasing his knowledge of Rego.
  • Lapideus learns Aegis of the Hearth from lab texts.
  • Chalybus reads from An Examination of Vis to improve his knowledge of Vim.
  • Medicus reads the tractatus Defense Against Perdo to improve his defense.
  • Fidus Legatus of Trianoma from the Covenant of Cad Gadu visits Crom Gleann. He offers a trade of texts, desiring tractatus on Magic Theory; Chaylbus puts him off, but Lapideus offers to write a Magic Theory tractatus in exchange for a book on terram.
  • Bellerophon reads the Summa Mailed Fist of Hermes, increasing his knowledge of Perdo.
  • Chalybus begins devising a new spell, Golden Hoard of Chalybus, to provide the Covenant with a supply of wealth.
  • Lapideus studies Healing of the Varied Forms to increase his skill in creo in order to make himself a perfect sanctum.
  • Medicus travles to North Wich village and healed 2 peaseants and one calf.
  • Bellerophon reads the summa Blood and Phlegm, increasing his knowledge of Corpus.
  • Chalybus completes work on Golden Hoard of Chalybus. However, when attempting to cast it to create gold, he has a spell misfire and is sent into Twilight. It is only momentary, but when he emerges the irises of his eyes have turned a golden color.
  • Lapideus continues to study "Healing of the Varied Forms".
  • Medicus improves the safty and quality of his lab.
1035 Spring
  • Bellerophon reads the summa An Examination of Vis, increasing his knowledge of Vim.
  • Chalybus again reads from Blood and Phlegm to improve his knowledge of Corpus.
  • Lapideus Casts Aegis of the hearth but it did not seem to bother the local fey that in habit the glen .
  • Lapideus continues to study "Healing of the Varied Forms".
  • Medicus Search for vis in Deheubarth.
  • Chalybus Gnarus and Bellerophon travel to the English town of Cambridge to study English at the college there. Two scholars that they meet are suspected of connections to the mysterious Covenant of Schola Pythagoranis.
  • Lapideus writes a tractatus on Magic Theory.
  • Medicus reads the Healing of Varied Form to improve his Creo..
  • Chalybus and Bellerophon continue their studies in Cambridge. They have been taught English real good.
  • Word reaches the covenant that Cnut, the King of England, has died.
  • Lapideus continues to study "Healing of the Varied Forms".
  • Bellerophon reads the summa An Examination of Vis, increasing his knowledge of Vim.
  • Medicus reads the tractatus Repelling Attacts of Magics to improve his defense.
  • .
  • A winter meeting is held and a rough form of charter is formed. A duarchy is approved with Bellerephon and Medicus as the dual heads. A reward system of at least one pawn of vis for service to the covenant is approved. More is available as reward if the service is deemed worthy of it by the duarchy.
  • Lapideus studies "Perfection of Form".
  • Bellerophon Finds two vis sources, one is in the tomb of a saint and The Lonely Throne, a corpus vis site.
  • Medicus reads the Healing of Varied Form to improve his Creo.
  • .
1036 Spring
  • Lapideus searches for vis with Reynard.
  • Bellerophon reads the summa Healing of the Varied Forms, increasing his knowledge of Creo.
  • Medicus reads the tractatus Personal Aegis to improve his defense
  • .
  • Bellerophon reads the summa The Tapestry of Chaos, increasing his knowledge of Muto.
  • Lapideus studies Touching the Mountain's Heart to increase his knowledge of terram.
  • Medicus Search for vis in Deheubarth.
  • Bellerophon finds a vis source with Veridian, a some standing stones called Maen Madoc, where an odd moss grows for herbam vis site.
  • Lapideus studies Touching the Mountain's Heart to increase his knowledge of Terram.
  • Medicus traveled to villages around Crom Glenn.
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  • Bellerophon reads the summa Blood and Phlegm, increasing his knowledge of Corpus.

  • Lapideus studies Touching the Mountain's Heart to increase his knowledge of Terram.
  • Fytus Legatus visits Crom Gleann to meet with Bellepheron. He would like to trade informstion. Bellerophon finds out that Cad Gadu asked for the formation of another covenant, thus getting Crom Gleann. Fytus bequeaths info on a new vis source for Corpus,Dinas Maelor Also, Lux Draconis is still more than meets the eye.
  • Medicus distilled vim.
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1037 Spring
  • Lapideus studies Perfection of Form to increase his knowledge of Creo.
  • Bellerophon reads Humours of the Unbalanced Beast to increase his knowledge of Animal .
  • Medicus distilled vim.
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  • Bellerophon reads Touching the Mountain's Heart to increase his knowledge of Terram.
  • Lapideus studies Perfection of Form to increase his knowledge of Creo.
  • Medicus Search for vis in Deheubarth.
  • .
  • Lapideus studies Touching the Mountain's Heart to increase his knowledge of Terram.
  • Bellerophon saves an old lady named Maddie from being hung as a witch. She has second sight which allowed her to see the fae who would show her when people died. Bellepheron rashly decided to take on this task alone and got his butt kicked by a faerie tree that strangles people when it feels there time has come. He spends the rest of his seasons licking his wounds.
  • The Duchess Angelique also shows up and wishes to speak to Bellerophon. With his injuries,he casts a spell to ignore his wounds until she leaves. It's very taxing, but he gets her to leave by making excuses. They come out lame, but she leaves and allows him to recover.
  • Medicus reads the Blood And Phlem to improve his Corpus.
  • Lapideus consults with Ricci about structure designs in preparation for a major Labratory activity.
  • Lapideus and Reynard sneak into the local town and dig up the old woman's recently decesed husband and transport the body to the throne corpus vis resource site. Because of Lapideus's insistence on perfection, they were almost caught but Reynard was able to provide adequate distraction and do an excellent job disguising the body as an upright Bellepheron.
  • Bellerophon reads the summa Blood and Phlegm, increasing his knowledge of Corpus.
  • Medicus taught Theodric Chirurgy.
Chronicle Next Year